Here's the fastest and easiest way to see who's most followed by the Man Repeller team. Good to know if you want to be on their radar!
Create tag Manrepeller ppl
Added 21 Manrepeller ppl to my tag
Go to Most Followed, pick Manrepeller ppl
Magic!These are the most followed by Man Repeller ppl
For specifics use Followed by and Pick tag
Most followed by Manrepeller ppl with <40k followers?
Easy peasy. That's it.
You can make tags like this for anything, and fast get a list of which profiles that are most influential to your clique. For example, if you want to be cool at Man Repeller, make sure that a couple of people from the Followed by result know about you.
Still reading?
Ok, your curious bastard. Here are some more tags that'd be interesting to map out.
Buyers, who has highest density of buyers as followers?
Editors/press people, find out who editors follow
Good customers (life time value), find out who's most followed by your best customers. There are probably potential customers there.
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