Creator Hack: Send Campaign Emails From Your Top Influencers


Just had this wild thought...

Imagine this: What if your audience received a personalized email right from their favorite influencer's inbox? Like, a real one-on-one connection.

And here's the kicker – what if your brand jumped in on the action and you both tag-teamed to supercharge your campaign?

Instead of the usual campaign/product drop email sent by you, it's delivered by an influencer. And we're talking about an influencer who totally vibes with your crowd.

You could even build some buzz leading up to the big drop, nudging the influencer's followers to join your email list and be first in line for the latest scoop.

Here's my two cents or theory:

  • Bigger open rates
  • More clicks heading to your fantastic products
  • Increased sales, baby!
  • A controlled channel – no more dancing to the tune of Instagram or TikTok algorithms
  • A fresh batch of eager subscribers ready for your next big thing

Sure, you'd have to toss some love the influencer's way, but since this is a whole new ballgame, you might score a sweet deal.

I'm all ears for your take on this, or any cool twists you might have. Drop me an email anytime.

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