Product Update


Happy new year!! Here are some features to kick off the new year.

Ps. Just click on any feature in the list below, and you'll be taken directly to that section.

Support for OR when searching mentions and/or hashtags

But, if you use 'AND', it's different. 'AND' is like saying you only want to find the ones that mention BOTH @fluffypancake AND @cakeparadise at the same time. This makes your group much smaller, because it's only the people who mention both brands, not just one or the other.

Support for businessaccount:yes

Find profiles with business accounts! Why? Cause it makes whitelisting and making ads with them so much easier. The process is tidy, and it might be a smart start to begin with the ones who already have it set up.

Sort by recently contacted

Your feedback is our oxygen :) This one we heard a few times. To be able to sort by when profiles were contacted, either most recent first or oldest first. Most recent is good to quickly get to the ones you just contacted. Oldest first is handy for followups.

Sort by Demographics density

You can already filter by Demographics, if you want an audience from a specific country with a specific density (percentage). Now you can sort too! Why so? We found that Demographics early became an indication of a good audience, with higher density indicating a local quality audience vs the ones with less quality spread over many countries.

Typo: change from Tracking to Reports

Just a typo (word change). As you refer to tracking to as "Reports" we decided to rename it to Reports. You'll still use the Track tag, but for the navigation we'll use Reports from now on.


Nerds on ig:) @scopebynerds