Product Update



A fully automated influencer master sheet (Google sheets x Shopify x Scope)

Hold and drag to rearrange

Speed improvements & loading animations

New responsive mobile version of Scope

A Fully Automated Influencer Master Sheet (Google sheets x Shopify x Scope)

We've been working on a Google sheet - it fetches sales from influencer discount codes automatically.

Comment on >>> this <<< post to try early

Hold and drag to rearrange

Speed improvements

We spent some time making tags and every part of Scope faster.

Loading animations

New responsive mobile version of Scope

Use Scope on the go. This version will mostly be used to look up profiles and add them to tags :)

What do you think we should work on?

We want to create products that truly solve your pain points, we breath your feedback. What features or improvements would be most helpful to you? What problems do you face that we should solve?

Company email - to follow up on progress

Feedback - try to be specific :)


Nerds on ig:) @scopebynerds