Product Update



See verified followers that follow you

Filter by verfied followers

Shopify Integration

Optimized Similar Audience, now faster

Sales Converter Index (playing with the idea of adding clicks to Scope)

Gmail add-on now takes Agent email in consideration

Support to sort by story mentions or post mentions seperately

See verified followers that follow you

You can now see verified Instagram followers that follow you in Scope. You access it through the overview.

Filter by verfied followers

You can also filter any search to find verifed followers in a country or any active list or search by typing verified:yes

Shopify Integration (!!!)

With the Shopify Integration you'll be able to see revenue and ROIS (return on influencer spend). Check this video:

Optimized Similar Audience, now faster than Usain Bolt

Similar Audience which we released a few months ago got popular fast. We spent some time the past month to optimize it. It's now faster.

Sales Converter Index (playing with the idea of adding clicks to Scope)

It started with this LinkedIn post:

The following day we developed built a seperate landing page for the Sales Converter Index (

You can look up how many clicks certain profiles get.

This is great as clicks is a good indication of how loyal the audience is. Then, if you want to take this to the next level, look below:

Clicks x Avg order value x Brand awareness = Predicted sales

The Agent has entered tha chat: Gmail add-on

We got the feedback that sometimes you are in contact with agents or managers, which confuses the Gmail add-on to properly detect which profile to look up.

We've now added the option to add agent/manager email in Scope. This will also be considered now for the Gmail add-on.

Support to sort by story mentions or post mentions seperately

We added support to only sort by story mentions or post mentions. Why? Often well perfoming influencers do multiple story collaborations with brands.

So, if you're finding a brand active with influencers add the @ to the search, then sort by stories + increase engagement and stories per day, and you should get their best performers. Let us know how it goes!


Nerds on ig:) @scopebynerds