Product Update



Custom reports

Tags shareable for people outside company

Percentage added on Demographics

Support to exclude search words

Seen by Company AND Seen by me back to filternav

Custom reports

It's now possible to create custom tracking reports per country

Create your first custom reports here.

Countries not showing up as option?

Scope can only evaluate profiles within the Track tag. Make sure to add profiles to tag Track. When Scope has data (tracked), it will be possible to create reports.

Tags shareable for people outside company

Once a tag is shared, anyone can access it with the tag link (no login required).

The information of what's shown will be limited to username of profile.

The list of usernames within a tag can be exported.

Support to exclude search words

We added support to exclude any search word. This is done by adding hyphen before the word you want to exclude.

For example -mom

In the example below I'm in a tag. 246 results initially. When I exclude -mom I get 225 results. 21 profiles excluded as they have mom in bio or igusername.

Seen by Company AND Seen by me back to filternav

In a meeting last week with an early Scope customer, I got the feedback that the feature Seen by me just dissapeared one day, and that it was highly appreciated.

The fact is that we had a bug that showed it in the first place. That was fixed- and removed Seen by me from filternav.

BUT after this feedback we figured this was a friendly bug

So we reimplemented it. It's now possible to exclude profiles either Seen by Company or Seen by me (or both, although it'd be the same as picking Seen by Company).


Nerds on ig:) @scopebynerds